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Subject:  5 gallon bucket challenge for fun?

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Gone With The Win

I thought this would be fun to do. If there is any interest in it. Biggest Tomato by weight?

2/26/2020 7:56:17 PM


Central NY

I’m in

2/26/2020 7:58:07 PM


Gone With The Win

Dang Chops you fast. What do you think same seed for every one or grower pick?

2/26/2020 8:00:35 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Can i use hydro?

2/26/2020 8:10:49 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I am in... Maybe my kids and their mom are in... How many plants are we allowed?

2/26/2020 9:15:51 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Im in !

2/26/2020 9:29:27 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

I think growers choice on seed !

2/26/2020 9:30:38 PM


rochester, IN

I'm in!

2/26/2020 10:07:31 PM


East Tennessee


2/27/2020 8:19:34 AM



I'm definitely in, since I might have Nuked my yard soil this year ...lol this will be Fun!

2/27/2020 8:53:39 AM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

I'm in

2/27/2020 9:00:24 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I saw this weird looking guy in Canada at The Great Tomato Hunt who brought in a 5 gallon bucket in which he was growing a tomato plant that had 4 or 5 tomatoes growing on it that were all well over three pounds. Growing in containers is an entirely different situation than growing in the ground. Watering is a big deal and so is what you use in the container as your soil mixture. And also how you fertilize. Bnot will be hard to compete with and should be allowed to use any method he desires. A 5 gallon bucket is the lower limit on size of container from what I have read. A guy growing in Buffalo is an expert at doing this. His entire driveway is nothing but buckets in which he is very successfully growing tomatoes. He has a drip watering system.

2/27/2020 10:43:23 AM


Team Canuckle Heads

I'm in

2/27/2020 12:05:08 PM


Gone With The Win

Ok so grower choice on seed sounds good. 5 gallon bucket size limit. Any input on max number of buckets? And Bnot you would be hard to compete with maybe but I dont care what method you choose. Thats what will make it fun hydro vs. Soil. Any input is welcome

2/27/2020 12:40:54 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I'm in. I grow in 20 gallon pots anyways so I am used to growing in a container.

2/27/2020 12:54:36 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

How about 1 bucket/person? Must grow a seed that they are not growing already.

2/27/2020 12:56:25 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I will try one in hydro. My 2nd year of winter growing I used 5 gallon buckets. In the interest of fairness I would think my nutrient reservoir should be contained within the 5 gallon bucket. That first year I tried deep water hydro. By the middle of the season the roots had expanded to completely fill the bucket. Very root bound. Not sure how I would approach this outdoors. Heat and deep water is a recipe for root rot. Maybe we can have two divisions, hydro and soil?

2/27/2020 3:04:35 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

So any size container under 5 gallons qualifies?

2/27/2020 5:00:01 PM


Eddyville Illinois

I'm in

2/27/2020 6:14:47 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I grew some plants in a 20 gallon pot last year. They did okay. But a 5 gallon pot needs a lot more attention and could even need to be watered twice a day in hot weather or if the plant is allowed to get big. Good luck on that.

2/27/2020 6:40:08 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

What are you thinking Orangeneck? Marv says 5 gallons is the lower limit...I have seen almost a two pound tomato grown in a 6 inch cube (6x6x6=36 cu in=0.1558 gallons=1.24 pint) of rockwool plus nutrient reservoir size.
He grew more than one tomato with that small space
I think the lowest limit of nutrient reservoir depends on how often a person is available to refill it. During summer heat..I think a full size plant wil drop the reservoir about 1 gallon per day as the plant cools itself. Dropping a gallon of water in a small reservoir throws the EC way over. If a person had the time to monitor the reservoir all day...I think you could grow 2 pounds in less than a quart.

2/27/2020 6:48:39 PM


Central NY

Lol...tomato Tim ....did you think you were just gonna be able to say 5 gallon bucket and get away with it?....we need rules...lol...so 5 gallon bucket or less equivalent?....any container we choose?....I’ve already started painting my Home Depot bucket...I’ll need to know in the next 80 days...

2/27/2020 7:04:42 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Ooops, bad math. 6x6x6=.935 gallons. I think you could grow 2 pounds in less than a 2 gallons.

2/27/2020 7:08:54 PM


Gone With The Win

HaHa you guys are fun. I know Chops Here is the RULES! I would like it be A 5 gallon bucket or pot. You can drill holes in for water drainage or air circulation. No cutting the bottom off and setting in a mound of yum yum soil. " Chops"... Keep roots contained in the bucket. I thought about keeping the bucket of the ground like on a board or concrete side walk ect. But everyone may not have that choice. Just be fair guys. You can cut holes any size in the side and line it with fabrick to keep the soil inside of the bucket. Try to keep roots inside the 5 gallon bucket or pot. Just post in your Diary. This is going to be fun. And Im not putting a Restrictions on number of plants/buckets. Since its just for fun..

2/27/2020 7:56:22 PM


Central NY

Lol...yer on to me...leave the bottom on...check!,,,,thanks Tim...this will be fun

2/27/2020 8:05:20 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

Why not ?
Any seed ?

2/27/2020 8:27:46 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Can it be grown upside down with the pot suspended in air? Sort of like aeroponically. A constant dripping of nutrients on the bottom of the pot. This would be right up Bnot's alley.
Aeroponic systems nourish plants with nothing more than nutrient-laden mist. The concept builds off that of hydroponic systems, in which the roots are held in a soilless growing medium, such as coco coir, over which nutrient-laden water is periodically pumped

2/27/2020 9:08:37 PM


Dillonvale, Ohio

I'm in, thought about doing it anyway.

2/27/2020 9:59:46 PM


Gone With The Win

Any seed ESheel

2/27/2020 10:59:54 PM

Sam H

East Sussex, UK

I'm in

2/28/2020 4:48:28 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Bnot I am thinking 2 gallon pots because that’s what my plants are in now. And yes once you reach the small fruit stage with topped plants you have to water almost every day even indoors. It will be worse outdoors.

2/28/2020 9:17:55 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Great contest! I’ll give it a go. And yes, my first thought was the roots could go through the bottom of the bucket into the ground which is a no no. This is the tomato version of the giant pumpkin version of the 100 sq./ft contest.

2/28/2020 11:22:31 AM


Central NY

yea!...."the 5 Gallon Challenge"...orangeneck is cheating already...better spill his guts...

2/28/2020 11:24:28 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Anyone know how to contact Mark Korney? He lives in Buffalo, New York. For years he has grown tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets in his blacktop driveway. He totally was unable to get in or out of his garage.He is on Facebook as Matermark Korney but does not respond to messaging.He must have a lot of advice on container growing and specifically tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets.

2/28/2020 12:24:24 PM


Gone With The Win

Haha keep them honest chops.

2/28/2020 2:01:42 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

I’m in.

2/28/2020 2:40:10 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Henry needs to periodically fly his drone over Porkchop's pails to check up him. Maybe knock over his pails to make sure there is a bottom on them.

2/28/2020 2:44:05 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I am in for this contest.

2/28/2020 2:46:09 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Are you in for this challenge Henry?

2/28/2020 2:47:49 PM


Gone With The Win

As far as Rules go Just keep roots inside of the bucket or pot. And get creative, I think using a Saucer under the bucket is fine too. Its just for fun competion. Haha wile coyote thats a good idea for Henry to keep and Bat Eye on Chops. I wonder if my drone is strong enough to steal one of chops buckets???

2/28/2020 3:45:21 PM


East Tennessee

Just to be clear it does have to be grown in a 5 gallon bucket correct? The 5 gallon bucket challenge.

2/28/2020 4:36:43 PM


Central NY

No drones...

2/28/2020 5:30:09 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

what about hydro rules...obviously roots have to be in a 5 gallon bucket. Can a hydro grower run a separate nutrient reservoir?

2/28/2020 5:46:58 PM

andrew943 GWG

Liberty nc

I’m in if Porkchop will give me day to day advice! Also am in because this sounds like fun! In for a 3rd time because I like to compete against the Terry’s!

2/28/2020 6:36:30 PM


Gone With The Win

Bnot I dont care as long roots stay in the bucket. Yes Go for it bnot. Lets get creative!!

2/28/2020 7:39:47 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

I'd like to give this a try! I did grow some small maters in a 5 gallon bucket a few years back and had fun with it.

2/28/2020 11:27:53 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

Should be fun I'll try it. Now to find some Giant tomato seeds. I assume we can drill small holes 1/8 in the lower sides to release excess moisture.

2/29/2020 10:35:12 AM


Norfolk, UK

5 gallon pot eh?

I’ll try and avoid the easy loophole (5 UK gallons = 22.73 litres. 5 US gallons = 18.927) :)

I may have make my own pot and check by volume of water to get the right sizing as US gallon pots won’t exist

2/29/2020 12:11:35 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

This is going to be fun. I had to look back in my diaries to remember what I have done with 5 gallon hydro before.


I ended up at 2.51 pounds that winter. Lets hear some predictions of what weight will win this competition.

2/29/2020 12:43:02 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Tomato Tim, before I put holes in the cooler....is this a legal bucket?


2/29/2020 2:33:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If it holds five gallons... Hmm redneck ceramic toilet reservoir here, maybe?

2/29/2020 3:19:21 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

You might be onto something Brandon...fill the toilet bowl with clay pebbles, flush the toilet sending the nutrient solution from the tank thru the pebbles. You would have to hook up a pump to get the solution back into the tank...or you could hook to the sewer system and flush to waste...i can see it...next world record, grown in a toilet

2/29/2020 3:30:11 PM


Gone With The Win

Looks legal to mee Bnot. Go for it.

2/29/2020 6:13:15 PM


Gone With The Win

BillF yes drill all the holes you want. Salad Doug sounds good to me. Bnot I would not even come close to a guess 10lb lol

2/29/2020 8:32:31 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

I'm in also. prob majority of my plants well be in pails lol.

3/1/2020 9:36:19 AM


East Tennessee

Please help Vial as much as you can pockchop, he needs all the help he can get!!! Bless his heart.

3/1/2020 4:11:50 PM


Central NY

I dunno...I think kinda have a deal with Wolfpack....he said he was takin names and Mr Vail was on his list???....something about rung on a ladder or something?....eesh...competition could get tight in the south this season...

3/1/2020 5:45:10 PM

Reed's Birds and Bees

Savage, MN

Im in Ive grown hot peppers in buckets before, giant tomatoes can't be too much harder lol

3/1/2020 5:55:14 PM


central Nc

Lol. Rung? I need a 24 ft extension ladder to catch andrew.

3/1/2020 6:36:06 PM


Central NY


3/1/2020 7:05:36 PM


Central NY


3/1/2020 7:12:08 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

Tim is a bonafide canuckle head we will send him down one of our 5 gallon pails

3/1/2020 7:30:34 PM


Team Canuckle Heads

Yep...Tim's contest. We'll wait and see what he says when he gets his pail!

3/1/2020 7:48:25 PM


Bloomington Indiana

I'm In

3/1/2020 7:54:58 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Sure they can do a 5 liter bucket in canada !!! That works out to about 1.5 gallons right ? Lol.... :-)

3/1/2020 8:06:30 PM


Central NY


3/1/2020 8:31:38 PM


Gone With The Win

Yes Chops keep an Hawk eye on these guys.

3/1/2020 8:42:08 PM


Gone With The Win

Haha John Butler you guys are fun. Nice to keep some fun going on while waiting for spring? Did we even have a winter here didn't seem like it..

3/1/2020 9:12:55 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

My old baseball coach always said if you ain't cheatin you ain't trying

3/2/2020 7:34:31 AM


central Nc

Did you play for the Astros John??

3/2/2020 9:05:50 AM


Central NY

Lol...the astros.....too funny

3/2/2020 10:41:32 AM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I'll put up special signs among my tomatoes for you to read and steal John.

3/2/2020 11:05:20 AM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

your gonna have to hit that can hard for me to hear it

3/2/2020 12:28:33 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

some of us need a canadian 5 gallon pail to compete with chops and bnot

3/2/2020 12:31:51 PM


Central NY

Lol...one bang- go lighter on pruning....2 bangs -a touch of nitrogen...3 bangs- more panty ho......start beating that sucker like the bullpen in Houston!?...time to call the GPC!!!!!!

3/2/2020 12:47:45 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I prefer sending smoke signals. Neighbors would complain about noise. I've got plenty of leaves and twigs/branches to burn.

3/2/2020 3:01:18 PM



Ill try i dont know anything about growing in a bucket but ILL try Lol. you going to try Kerry? TREETOP

3/2/2020 3:06:31 PM


Norfolk, UK

Are we honing in on the “it’s got to be a bucket” or can it be a container of equal volume? I read as equivalent to 5 US gallon volume, and was heading down the route of an airpot here before someone’s highlighted specific use of word ‘bucket’. Am I legal or going down a dark path here of controversy? :)

We all going to need all the help we can get to compete with those Canadian 5 gall containers... haha

3/3/2020 4:00:38 PM


Central NY

I think Tim will cut you some slack salad Doug ....yer prolly a ways from a Home Depot .

3/3/2020 4:41:02 PM


Central NY

None of that Canadian Crap though....cheater

3/3/2020 4:41:55 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Tomato Tim approved my 5 gallon cooler, so it appears that what is important is the roots are contained in a volume of 5 gallons. I am sure Tim will clarify soon.

3/3/2020 5:25:08 PM


Brockton, Massachusetts

I have 4 going from winter challenge, can I carry over?

3/3/2020 5:28:38 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I bet Tim will do the right thing and say, “ no”.

3/3/2020 5:33:36 PM


Norfolk, UK

Happy either way. I’ve stuck a picture up here for inspection of what is proposed: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=312107

3/3/2020 5:40:11 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

i am confused...what would the difference between an airpot and a bucket that someone drilled a lot of holes in?

3/3/2020 6:30:56 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

How about a 5 gallon plastic tote ?

3/3/2020 8:14:30 PM

Kerry gross

Thomas wv

I may throw one in a bucket can't wait to see the rules my brain is already thinking of ways to try it

3/3/2020 9:30:17 PM



Can 8 join with 18 litre square pots?

3/4/2020 8:37:06 AM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

I've got an idea! lets use something besides a bucket for The Bucket challenge...makes sense.

3/4/2020 10:56:35 AM


Gone With The Win

SaladDoug looks fine to me. The rules are not strict. Just for fun 5 gallon bucket challenge. Keep roots in the bucket. You guys are killing me lol. Yes 5 us gallon equal volume coantainer is fine too. No BSully sorry, no carry over from winter challenge. I hate to put alot of restrictions on it cause its just takes the fun out of it. So get creative everyone.

3/4/2020 11:09:17 AM


Gone With The Win

Originally I assumed everyone would just use a US 5 gallon bucket. Boy was I wrong alot of you guys are trying to get creative and I like it. Me personally Im just using a bucket.

3/4/2020 11:18:11 AM


Central NY

With the handle or without ?....be specific

3/4/2020 11:40:23 AM


Gone With The Win


3/4/2020 12:27:33 PM


I. Falls, Minn

Since this is a contest, do I have to have to decide whether to enter my 10 lbder in this contest or Gale Woods? Never mind, I'll grow a couple buckets.

3/4/2020 1:26:03 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

No 12 lber for Gale Woods this year frostbite? Last year was getting the official to write it down. This year is to grow it.

3/4/2020 1:45:58 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Does it have to be a Home Depot bucket ? Can it be a Lowe's bucket or from Menards or walmart ? Its so confusing ???

3/4/2020 4:31:21 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I've got some Behr Latex Paint 5 gallon pails. Can use them?

3/4/2020 5:03:57 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

we dont have menards here in california, so for continuity's sake lets choose between home depot and lowes.

3/4/2020 5:16:35 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Nope... Our sponsorship is with Sherwin Williams. The contract says no behr or valspar.

Doing real good Tim! (My head woulda unscrewed by now.)

3/4/2020 5:24:14 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I've got 4 Menards buckets I can use. Do I have to go to Home depot or Lowes to buy buckets for this contest? Maybe the rule should be where the bucket has to have a logo of the store visible so you know its a 5 gallon bucket from that store.

3/4/2020 5:39:11 PM


Central NY

Bylaws Tim....bylaws...

3/4/2020 5:48:20 PM


Gone With The Win

o you guys killing me. I thought I stated on only Rural King buckets. And I have them for sale 25$ each plus shipping. Just let me know many you want!!

3/4/2020 5:49:44 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

By the time this is over some us may be kicking the bucket one way or another.

3/4/2020 5:50:13 PM


Ironton, ohio

I'm in, is someone posting the final rules somewhere this thread is outta control

3/4/2020 5:51:34 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

I’m thinking........

Baby pool.

3/4/2020 6:26:56 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Lots of vitamin c in tomato juice. No excuses marv... we wont let you get away that easy :(

3/4/2020 6:30:35 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

what the hell is home depot

3/4/2020 7:20:49 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

How about a TSC bucket

3/4/2020 7:22:08 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

How about a TSC bucket

3/4/2020 7:22:18 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I still have not put any holes in my 5 gallon cooler yet. Will wait for the final rules before i do so. I have it sitting here in my office while I think about what could be done with it. Currently thinking that it would be majority deep water hydro, with a chiller and a wide clay pebble top base. Would recirculate the solution and feed with multiple misters from the top. I am tempted to put in my winter aeroponic system for the second 20% of the (bucket) but think I will not have enough time...have to spend an hour per day teaching my daughter to drive.

I see Kfrink is setting up a hydro bucket. Caution Kyle...Petsmart might not get you enough air for deep water. More so if your reservoir gets to summer temps. Cold water holds more air than warm water. Ooops, I shouldnt be trying to help a competitor.

Who else is thinking about hydro. I wonder how big of a bucket that 8 pounder hydro grown in Germany was.....

This board is crazy

3/4/2020 7:25:46 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

This could be a very difficult competition to win....wow... Porkchop, Garden Rebel, Frostbite, SaladDoug, Wixom, Marv,John Butler, Zeke, Weird Wint. How many A growers are doing this....You started a good contest Tim!

3/4/2020 8:25:03 PM


Ironton, ohio

Spent all winter reading pumpkin threads quick someone tell me how to grow giant tomatoes.

3/4/2020 8:34:18 PM


Gone With The Win

I guess I need some moderators, for this board. So I will assign porkchop and wixomgrower. You two guys know what were trying to accomplish here. 5 US gallon bucket challenge or a container or pot or bowl or tote ect. As long as the container is 5 US gallons that holds the root system inside. So with that being said you can not take a bigger container and put 5 gallons of whatever your growing medium is. You can alter your your 5 gallon container anyway you want. The roots must be contained in the 5 gallon container. So what my moderators say will be our final rules. On the 2020 5 gallon bucket challenge. Shesh.......

3/4/2020 8:50:58 PM

ESheel31(team sLamMer)

Eastern Shore of VA

So no baby pool ?......

3/4/2020 9:32:50 PM


Gone With The Win

not unless its a 5 gallon pool.

3/4/2020 10:24:51 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Can I grow 4 plants in a 20 gallon bucket?

3/5/2020 8:58:14 AM


Central NY

Hmmmm....I mean, the math works out.......??....better ask wixom

3/5/2020 9:11:01 AM


Central NY

Lol dalton...

3/5/2020 9:11:54 AM


Honesdale, Pennsylvania

" Buckit ". I will do it! Sound good... I will join in on the fun. Thinking maybe putting the bucket in a decomposing hay bale will send some good mojo through the plastic.

3/5/2020 9:51:34 AM


Central NY

Warmth early season...I like it

3/5/2020 10:01:00 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Wow that opens another can of worms marv ? Like chops said the math works out and tim said be creative ?
Tim you honestly didn't think me and chops would really help make things any easier on this thread did you ??? Lol.. :-)

3/5/2020 1:25:38 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Wow that opens another can of worms marv ? Like chops said the math works out and tim said be creative ?
Tim you honestly didn't think me and chops would really help make things any easier on this thread did you ??? Lol.. :-)

3/5/2020 1:25:45 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Boy oh boy. If I can do 4 plants in my 20 gallon container that would be great. I already have a plan. Am I going to get a ruling on this approach?

3/5/2020 2:39:02 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Do you plan on keeping 3 plants small and growing only 1 plant Marv? Time to close this loophole. Only 5 gallon containers should be allowed.

3/5/2020 2:48:19 PM


Gone With The Win

No Marv! You cant do that lol. I agree Wile Coyote....Marv I will allow you to grow 4 plants in a 5 gallon bucket though.

3/5/2020 2:55:42 PM


Gone With The Win

I knew Marv played for Astros!

3/5/2020 3:00:25 PM


Norfolk, UK

Is this 3 dwarf bush toms Marv and one giant? Or 3 marigold 'plants' and a giant lol.

3/5/2020 3:23:35 PM


Central NY

Sorry marv...I tried

3/5/2020 4:07:58 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Marv, I am disappointed in you. You were the last person I would think of trying to find an advantage in the rules.

3/5/2020 4:16:44 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I was planning on putting four plants in my 20 gallon container and then "severely pruning" the less vigorous three. Seemed like a good idea at the time. No harm, no foul.

3/5/2020 4:37:12 PM


Gone With The Win

Marv I thought you was demoted to the cucumber board only. Lol Lol

3/5/2020 8:13:51 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Yeah that was the rumor i heard going around too ???

3/5/2020 8:18:22 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I can't find it. Hmmmmm

3/6/2020 9:30:20 AM


Gone With The Win

Did You Find It Marv??

3/6/2020 6:57:19 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

No. Nowhere to be found.

3/6/2020 7:18:34 PM

Udo Karkos

Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Oh, all this chattering.
I´m in for the 5 gallon challenge as well.
I always have some extra plants in pots.

3/7/2020 12:57:36 PM


Gone With The Win

awesome Udo

3/7/2020 7:25:04 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

As an incentive for the winner i will be giving out 5 vials (different varieties) of 10 seeds each from tomatoes I grow this season or tomatoes of note from my collection.

3/10/2020 11:06:26 AM


Gone With The Win

Weird Wint Awesome Thanks man!! Are they the corona strain? LOL

3/10/2020 9:41:45 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

Corona time!

3/10/2020 11:08:01 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

Wait 14 days to open

3/10/2020 11:10:12 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA


3/11/2020 10:37:13 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Oh my, I am really going to have up my game on this challenge!

3/11/2020 2:04:35 PM



I'm in this too as I'm growing in 18 litre pots not that will grow big lol

4/1/2020 6:43:44 AM


Keaau, Hawaii (Big Island)

Aloha from Hawaii! We just learned about this contest over the weekend...it sounded like we might have a couple of our families on our island who are interested in trying out this 5-gallon bucket challenge...Porkchop said I should also see if anyone has Domingo seeds for our kids over here to try...we actually wouldn't need them for this year, but please keep us in mind for 2021...right now we are growing Big Zac tomatoes...I'm actually distributing plants this week to families...as of today, we are up to 85 (which is close to 150 kids) participating in our contest. Should be FUN!!

5/4/2020 6:08:50 PM


Fullerton, California

Is it to late to join?

5/18/2020 9:16:28 PM


Northwest Indiana

I would also like to join if I still can.

5/21/2020 10:43:11 AM

Total Posts: 147 Current Server Time: 9/28/2024 10:27:31 PM
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