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Subject:  Tomato Season Check in.

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Allentown, PA

Hi everyone! :O)

This season has not been the best, mostly mediocre weights other than Godzilla's 4.14.

Powdered Toast Man is now at 24 1/2 inches CC" so I'm hoping that he reaches at least 4.00 LBS.

Green Lantern is 21 2/8 " CC and Gamera is still growing at 23 2/8 inches CC"

Gamera is the oldest tomato currently growing at approx. 37 DAP.

Disease started to become an issue approx. two weeks ago despite my repeated use of Daconil and has resulted in five plants having to be pulled and five potential tomatoes having to be culled.

So far for the season it's been a mixed bag but that's giant growing for you so I can't be too upset by it.

Overall a decent season so far.

How about all of you?????

8/6/2014 3:31:41 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Lots of mega blossums few surviviors lost 2 to radical watering.I hope to finish out good, lots of time left.

8/6/2014 5:14:28 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

we are looking pretty good here in northern mn.
a few in the mid to high 20's for cc.
hopfully they stay green as broccoli for as long as possible.

8/6/2014 5:20:25 PM


Central NY

So far so good...

8/6/2014 8:09:22 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

my 1st was a 3.41 lb. still lots more that should be ready soon. Still waiting on the "one" mega bloom. I have had a few in the last week that look promising for a run to season end. Fingers crossed and on bug watch !

8/6/2014 9:38:07 PM


Hamilton Nj

ive got 3 nice maters still small but gaining ,lol, most are on the 5.58 timm line and one is on my big zac also have a good size bloom on the 5.3 bouydo !!1 havent named them yet waiting to see how they go first!!! pizza

havent got any entries in the gtg yet hope we get a few????

8/6/2014 9:40:46 PM


Hamilton Nj

ive got 3 nice maters still small but gaining ,lol, most are on the 5.58 timm line and one is on my big zac also have a good size bloom on the 5.3 bouydo !!1 havent named them yet waiting to see how they go first!!! pizza

havent got any entries in the gtg yet hope we get a few????

8/6/2014 9:40:46 PM


Madisonville, TN

Our tomatoes are doing great. At least for a first year giant tomato grower. We have had a lot over 3 pounds so far and there are plenty more on the plants. No four pounders yet, but the years not over. I think Cheyenne's 3.84 Hooper 2014 is number two in TN behind BrotherDaves's 4.59, at least for now.

8/6/2014 10:13:34 PM

Princeton Joe

Princeton Kentucky

Nights in the low 50's and daytime highs low-mid 70's here. Suppose to warm up so it may get better. Got a couple beauties going right now so we'll see. I've been picking the new Burpee "Steak House maters" over 2 pounds regularly and have three of those plants trimmed to grow a big one.

8/6/2014 10:16:04 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

It is still early yet.
I am currently doting on a Delicious that is 15.5" at 21 DAP.
I've got a few 2X & 3X fruits that may be respectable 2.5 pounders.
I have 6 Giants that are grafted & are a little behind my other plants but they are starting to show more vigor so I have great hopes for them.

8/6/2014 11:00:24 PM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


We are just getting ramped up here in Ontario. I've heard that there are some nice maters started here in Ontario. We have a couple that could be contenders come weigh off day. Only time will tell, but I'm looking forwards seeing how it all plays out. Good luck to all.
Jane & Phil

8/7/2014 7:36:25 AM

Master P

Ely Mn

Phil and Jane.do you remember the cc of your 7.33?

8/7/2014 7:46:20 AM

Master P

Ely Mn

i found it in a older post.27 inches.nice and heavy!

8/7/2014 8:13:53 AM


Hyde Park, Utah USA

First year growing giant tomatoes, I finally got a few mega blooms pollinated, using the battery operated toothbrush. Including one of your 4.46 and 4.03 (?). Might be too late in the season. I was going to comment on one of your last diary posts that it looked like one of the mildews, powery or downy. But then I thought it might have been the foliar Ca, you mentioned. I have always had extensive problems with both of these diseases on pumpkins and long gourds. I primarily used Daconil, sulfer and milk at 1/2 strength. It seemed to get worse each year. This year I am using Actinovate and Companion, both are organic, actually select bacteria strains. No mildew this year. I really can't beleive it, I combine them and foliar spray kins, LG's and Tom's about every two weeks.

8/7/2014 4:26:49 PM


Hyde Park, Utah USA

P.S. Don't spray actively growing meristems or fruit!

8/7/2014 4:30:16 PM


Allentown, PA


No, not too late it's only the 7th of August. Thank you for the tips concerning fungicides. Actually what you see in the photo's is dried Daconil on leaves. My problem is reoccurring each season with yellowing leaves that begin at the bottom of the plant and moves it way up to finally engulf the entire leaf system thus killing the plant. I am able to slow it's progression but I can't stop it. Thankfully it's not currently close to the three tomatoes that are performing for me.

8/7/2014 10:15:47 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

May be early blight?

8/7/2014 10:37:37 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

Sounds like typical Fusarium.

8/7/2014 10:45:01 PM


Allentown, PA

I don't have any photos of it. It is
Fusarium Wilt. I immediately pull the plant when I feel the war is lost concerning it. After I pull it I sterilize the pair of pruners I used. Of course some plant strains are more resistant than others. Big Zac appears to be quite resistant to it.

8/8/2014 6:44:08 AM


Hyde Park, Utah USA

The biological fungicides I mentioned, work well on Fusarium, Pythium, and a host of other soil borne fungal pathogens.

8/8/2014 7:26:42 PM


Allentown, PA

I will look to purchase both of these Time for next season. Thank you. :O)

8/9/2014 7:33:54 AM


So far very good - I have one tomato on 1 of four Big Zacs looking very hefty. All contain loads of fruit!! I spray Companion, if needed. I also plant alot of Borage and marigolds all around plants. I have been applying Biomin Calcium weekly and use this on goldies and purple prince and cherokees. They really like NutriAid Bloom Booster and Fruit Finisher. These feedings were intended for my giant pumpkin, but the tomatoes really responded well!!

8/11/2014 4:34:52 PM

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