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Subject:  Choices

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Central Minnesota

How does one choose between fruit on some of these plants? Every day I walk by and occasionally just rip one off and then don't look back. I sure would be helpful if someone offered some tips as to which are better keepers. Do I go with the lowest pollination on the plant, the highest, the best blossom...who knows. Some plants are easy but I have this issue when I get two roughly equal ones. So far I have been using the very scientific eenie meenie miney moe.

7/24/2014 3:19:38 PM


Allentown, PA

Many times eenie meenie miney moe is the only thing you can do when it comes to choosing the best tomato out of two or more.

Quite a bit of the time the largest mega bloom at the time makes the decision or you.

When I have two tomatoes I'm trying to choose from I will let both grow until inevitably one of them begins to grow larger than the other then most of the time that makes the decision for me unless the smaller one has a more desirable shape to go heavy than the other then I will cull the one that's a bit larger in favor of that one.

7/24/2014 5:39:37 PM


Central NY

Also which fruit has the room to grow..ya know, BEFORE you have to hack off half the plant...;)...sorry mark, couldn't resist...

7/24/2014 8:16:56 PM


Hamilton Nj

i got 2 right now across from each other ,1 is a single and the other might be a double growing at the same pace im gona cull one monday ,hard to decide the more fused blossoms the better!!!!

7/24/2014 9:08:22 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

I went with the mega blooms on the first truss and once
i knew those took i didnt even pollinate any others.
so far i like what i see:)

7/24/2014 10:51:57 PM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 10/1/2024 1:02:24 AM
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