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Subject:  gtg tomato contest rules for 2014

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Hamilton Nj

okay everyone just getting over the flu sorry took so long!!!

this years contest rules are gona b pretty simple same as last few years!!!

1- all tomatos entered must be posted in your diary or emailed to me at pizzapete@hotmail.com

2- all pics must show tomato circumferince with tape in picture!!!

3- all tomato entries must show pic on scale clearly!!!

4- your biggest tomato is gona be your entry ,u can weigh as many as u want but the biggest one counts!!!!

5- there will be 5 places this year ,top three get a prize !!!

i have a few seeds for prizes plus braggin rights to the winner!!! lol

6- no cheating!! anyone caught cheating is out of contest!! (everyone is very honest hear so i dont think we r gona have any issues )

7- after contest im gona post a thread so we all can trade seeds!!! last couple years everyone has bein very generious,and some have gone over the top!! thank you!!!

8- lets have some fun and grow some monsters

9- all entries must be sound and no rotten tomatos if u have any giant holes in yur tomatos they will not be entered,basicly same as gpc rules!!!

good luck!!! pizza

3/15/2014 11:13:19 PM


Hamilton Nj


3/15/2014 11:14:42 PM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

thx pete,, 4 the post.. best of luck to all growers in the contest,, grow em big,,
pete how many entry's in the contest,, to you have a count, to date

3/16/2014 4:40:08 PM


Allentown, PA

Good luck everyone!!! I'm ramped up for a great season! I hope everyone else is as well!!

3/16/2014 6:35:14 PM


Hamilton Nj

u can enter as many as u want but only the biggest counts,lol, last year we had close to 40 and i saw alot in diarys that were not entered!!!! pizza

oh yeah almost forgot conyest start may 1st. ends oct 31st. unless we have some people with late tomatos on vine ill let go a few week longer !!!

3/16/2014 7:54:28 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thx Pete!

3/16/2014 8:55:58 PM



great job pete.tt

3/18/2014 11:19:02 AM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 10/1/2024 3:21:23 AM
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