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Subject:  Is this disease ?

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Western PA

I first noticed this last week about 2 days after I sprayed. If I remember correctly, I did not spray anything harsh.
Well, it seems to be spreading, so I don't think it is spray damage.
Any ideas what this is ?


8/28/2013 12:56:09 PM


Springfield, VT

It looks like late blight and it will completely kill the plant. check out the link http://www.usablight.org/?q=map

8/28/2013 3:17:45 PM

Lew Dog

Lakeville, OH

I agree also. I am losing most of my tomatoes due to this. You have to prevent it with fungicide(chlorathalonil). Once you have it you normally can't stop it. (only cure I know is prevention) :(

8/28/2013 4:53:13 PM



Sun + insecticide or fungicide becarfull!

8/28/2013 5:11:49 PM



This is not Mildiou!!

8/28/2013 5:13:33 PM



Mildiou = late blight

8/28/2013 5:18:48 PM


Allentown, PA

I concur with everyone else, the black, oily patches are the telltale sign of late blight.

If it has not yet spread to all your plants immediately remove the affected plants prior to the inevitable take over of your entire lineup.

Good luck Zappa.

8/28/2013 6:09:37 PM



i agree with fabrice ,septoria leaf spot, or spray damage, way to black for it to be an early or late blight....... i have never seen a blight turn a tomato leaf black, but that could just be me....always from green-yellow-brown-dead..... anyway remove infected leaves and wash your hands as not to transfer it to your other plants, and use a fungicide, cool damp is no good for them.. good luck....

8/28/2013 8:55:13 PM


Allentown, PA

Take a look at this web page from the North Carolina Extension service concerning Late Blight.

The example photo's showing late blight match perfectly the photo's that Zappa has shown in his diary concerning the disease he has.

This is Late Blight.

8/29/2013 7:32:50 AM


Allentown, PA

Here is the web link to compare;


8/29/2013 7:33:52 AM


Allentown, PA

AN North Carolina Extension service's page;


Identical in both lesion design and color.

8/29/2013 7:35:16 AM



Sorry ! this is the late blight
For the late blight there is Fungicide(cuivre bouillie bordelaise)

8/29/2013 7:44:01 AM


Western PA

Thanks all,
From the pics that I looked at, it does seem to be late blight.
The splotches are light brown to brown, they looked darker in my picture because the leaves still had some moisture on them.
I sprayed my other plants with a dose of daconil, so hopefully they will not get it.

Funny thing is, that the tomato that I have growing on the infected plant, suddenly slowed way down in growth as soon as the first brown lesion appeared.

8/29/2013 12:41:28 PM


Allentown, PA

I'm just sorry this happened to you.

Here's hoping that despite this you still have some good plants.

8/29/2013 12:54:58 PM



Lee, have you tried this? I'm in Western Pa also, so when I saw that all my neighbor's tomato plants were starting to have problems with the blight, I removed 60-70% of all the leaves on my plants. My father did this years and years ago and I still do it to this day. He says it puts more energy into the tomatoes remaining and also removes breeding grounds for the horned tomato worms and the blight. I just leave the new growth at the tips. I also spray the remaining leaves with miracle gro. It seems to have helped me. My tomato plants are green as can be and the neighbors are done. Just a thought. Jim

8/29/2013 4:01:05 PM


Northern Cambria, Pa.

Your only hope is to spray immediately with Agri Fos + Mancozeb. It will at least slow it down a lot.

8/29/2013 4:12:06 PM

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