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Subject:  No maga-blossom

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Linden, Mi.,

What is wrong or is this common ?
Using seeds from last year fruit (2 1/2 lb) that came off a 733 Hunt.
Have BIG blooms, not many

8/3/2013 7:36:31 PM


Allentown, PA

It's quite common that many strains that are utilized in order to obtain giants do not produce blooms in volume.

Have you been using a fertilizer that promotes bloom formation??

I use Miracle Grows 10-52-10 granular fertilizer that has a substantial percentage of phosphorus which promotes bloom formation in the plant.

Application is via foliar method with a hand held or backpack sprayer.

Once the plants have absorbed their application of said fertilizer it will take at least a couple of weeks to obtain any positive effects of that application.

With that being said and you living in Mi this might be too little too late due to placing your time frame into the latter part of the month or early September before you would see a pollination opportunity.

Ideally one would be using a bloom boosting fertilizer during the first half of the growing season in order to promote growth of blooms on trusses two to three feet up on the plant which is the "" sweet spot "" for optimal growth of tomatoes being chosen for a potential heavy weight.

This however does not preclude you from obtaining a large tomato higher up on the plant, it just means your chances are greater you will be able to add weight to the tomato when they are growing at that height due to the tomato's increased ability to obtain nutrients at that height.

Since you already have some large blooms, I would concentrate on the one's you do have than the one's you don't this late in the season.

8/4/2013 7:47:17 AM


Mercersburg, PA

i tend to think a lot of it is attributed to genetics; that being said, your plant should have megablooms. i have three different generations of that line planted (7.33 Hunt, 6.51 meisner, 4.78 Lorson), and for the most part they have had at least one megabloom on each truss. also, your big blooms may be more than singles--sometimes it is hard to tell that they are fused until the tomato starts to develop, in my opinion.

8/4/2013 8:00:40 AM


Linden, Mi.,

Thanks guys.
My plants and I see more and bigger flowers ????? My be to late but still hoping.

8/7/2013 10:44:45 AM


Linden, Mi.,

OK, this is what I tried to say :o)

My plants are 5 foot high and I ----------

8/7/2013 10:46:00 AM

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