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Subject:  single blooms

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Master P

Ely Mn

How big can a average single bloom get if you only set a couple on the plant? Just curious

7/16/2013 6:53:53 PM


Allentown, PA

Right now I have a tomato growing from a single bloom that is quite large.

I call it the Mothership. You can see a photo of it on my diary.

IN fact it's the largest tomato out of the fourteen I have growing from single all the way up to five fused fuse bloom tomato.

I know the exact CC measurements but I'm keeping that a secret until the tomato is done growing and I have it officially weighed.

Let's just say I'm extremely pleased with it's size and growth rate.

7/16/2013 7:28:31 PM


Allentown, PA


The tomato I'm speaking of is the only tomato growing on the plant which is on one of three Mega Marv plants I have growing this season.

7/16/2013 7:30:13 PM


Hamilton Nj

ive seen a few 2 pounds plus but i think u can get a 4 pounder from one blossom!!! 2 four pounders will take the record,lol pizza

7/16/2013 8:32:59 PM

Master P

Ely Mn

Thanks guys!hey PA...can you look at my diary and tell me how many blooms my two tomatos are? I thought i knew but im not sure anymore....im new to this.

7/16/2013 10:30:10 PM


East Carbon, Utah

Some varieties have a tendency to put out the occasional tightly fused megabloom. Some clues to look for in fruit which develop from these "cryptic" fused blossoms:

1. Lobing, even if slight - this is not the same as ribbing or fluting.

2. Check the blossom end scar - stitching, linear, or irregular bumps and such could indicate more than one ovary was involved.

3. Check the pedicle for shallow grooving just before the fruit attachment point. In my experience, single blossoms never exhibit grooving. Sometimes the number of grooves clearly matches the number of stigmas when the blossom is open.

As for your pics, Master, those tomatoes are looking awesome! I would say your pic on entry 34 very likely resulted from 5 fused blossoms. Hard to say for sure without inspecting the entire pedicle and the bottom side. Even then, sometimes very small ovaries are overwhelmed by the bigger ones and end up pretty well hidden.

Agreed #35 looks like a triple, but #36 makes me think there may have been a couple more smaller ovaries involved.

Some people call these huge tomatoes "ugly". I prefer to view each of them as having it's own personality - kind of showing off the spectacular diversity and richness of nature. There are plenty of boring, monotonous tomatoes on the grocery store shelves for those simple-minded "purists" to admire!

7/17/2013 4:51:15 AM


Allentown, PA

Master P,

I concur with Seamfaster about your tomatoes.

No.34 looks to be a result of a five fused bloom.
No.35 looks to be definitely a triple.
No.36 Could be the result of a four fused bloom.

You have some impressive tomatoes there Master P !!
Out of those three you will have a decent size tomato with a solid weight.

Now comes the waiting game which is the hardest part.
Mine like to keep me up at night a few times a week. LOL!

7/17/2013 6:11:11 AM


Allentown, PA

@ Seamfaster;

Simple minded indeed!!

7/17/2013 8:31:25 AM

Master P

Ely Mn

Wow!i was starting to think that one was a single bloom because of its nice shape.but to here its a five! Never would have guessed. Im starting to like this tomato thing. Thanks a lot for your knowledge guys really appreciate it.

7/17/2013 4:57:15 PM

The Donkinator


Seams faster?? If the blossom end is scarred,has stiching and irregular bumps.What does this tell you about the mater???

7/17/2013 5:04:07 PM


East Carbon, Utah

Anthropomorphizing, sounds like it just exited from a veteran's hospital following a serious encounter on the battlefield!

Oh wait, maybe there was a subconscious connection with my screen name as well? But the conscious selection was just an acronym for a bunch of dead guys (Socrates, Emerson, etc.) - a bit obscure I suppose...

7/19/2013 5:40:13 AM

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