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Subject:  Spots on leaves..help

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croley bend


Every year I get this. Can someone take a look and tell me what it could be???


6/26/2013 7:04:13 PM


Mnt.pleasant ,tennessee

Looks like there close to ground. Is that the only ones doing it.if so probli dirt splashn on it.

6/26/2013 7:40:44 PM


Central NY

To me, it looks like bacteria speck...I can see the little yellow halos around the spots...the bacteria can over winter ...keep water off the leaves...you could also try a copper spray to slow the spread...(my first guess was a calcium/mag issue/ deficiency but you would probably have mentioned spots on fruit also...who knows) ...that's my guess..good luck

6/26/2013 7:54:31 PM


Allentown, PA

Porkchop is correct. Most likely you have bacteria speck.

If you haven't already , immediately remove the affected leaves by removing the entire leaf stalk. If you haven't yet, do it now, NOW!

Next, apply a fungicide immediately to the entire plant, not just the lower area that is being affected.

Apply fungicide to your entire plant lineup. Base this on the assumption that the bacteria has spread.

Monitor the plant in question extremely closely for the next 7 days.

Regardless of whether or not the disease has returned apply fungicide again to the affected plant and all plants in your lineup.

I cannot emphasize this strongly enough!!!

After the second application of fungacide continue to monitor the situation closely.

DO THIS NEXT STEP IMMEDIATELY; Remove all leaf branches that are within 2 inches of the ground. Do it!!
Do not wait!! Do this for your entire plant lineup!!!

Most likely you obtained this issue from water splash back.

Water only by watering can or a hose with a wand attachment that you can maneuver in order to direct your water flow.

Now, do what I have said to do and save your plant.

Report your progress.

6/26/2013 8:16:47 PM


Allentown, PA


If I sound harsh it's only to get you to save your plant(s).

In seasons past I've lost many plants due to disease like the one you are showing us here.

Let me know how it's going. :O)

6/26/2013 8:20:27 PM



early blight

6/26/2013 8:36:58 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

I agree with Marley Early Blight from a lack of mulch

6/26/2013 9:18:25 PM


Allentown, PA

Early Blight's pathology shows notably large lesions on leaves following quickly by stalk discoloration.

That disease is extremely rapid in it's consumption of the the plant.

Bacteria spec's pathology demonstrates small "" speckled "" patterns of dark lesions on leaves without spreading to the stalk of the plant unless the disease was allowed to continue unabated for a period of time.

The OP's photo showing the disease in question emulates closely bacteria spec.

A question for the OP is this; is there an early blight warning issued by your state department of agriculture for your area?

If unsure you can go to your county's extension office web site for information or simply call them.

You can also contact plant nurseries in the area, they too will know due to being notified by that same office.

6/27/2013 7:23:32 AM


Allentown, PA


Early Blight is also an "" invading "" disease as it propagates and vectors into an area via wind patterns from an area already affected by such.

A disease such as baceria spec originates at the source due to issues such as splash back of water.

Both diseases however are preventable by a proactive approach of fungicide as well as plant pruning.

Since the OP stated in his information that he has this issue each year this leads me to the conclusion that this issue he is having is more born of garden habits as opposed to the more unlikely scenario that Early Blight invades the same area each year.

It is a possibility that the OP is actually the originating source of early blight for his/her area but the odds or against it.

6/27/2013 7:33:01 AM

croley bend


PA_J thanks for all the great advise. I will cut those leaves but its raining today and I dont think I should be out there when it is all wet altho its only a few plants that I can reach without going into the whole garden. The spots are only on the bottom leaves and its from soil splashing on lower leaves, like Linus says, not mulch. I am working on a mulch now. My plan is to put newspaper and a thin layer of dried grass clippings. Should I use another type of mulch?

I have been out of town for 5 days and this happened while I was gone. It rained the day before we left, at least 1/2 inch of rain. Not all my plants are affected. I have been using Companion and TKO weekly and did a Daconil spray a week ago.

I do have some Soap Shield from Gardens Alive but its a few years old, do you think it would still be good?? No date on the bottle.
Ok, at least I know what it is. It gets me every year. I have tried to stay on top of it but as you see, evedently not too well.

Thanks so much everyone. If you have more advise, please tell me.

6/27/2013 7:59:56 AM


Allentown, PA

I'm glad to have helped you. :O)

Yes, wait until it's done raining then remove.

I know how I felt a few seasons back when my plants were destroyed.

Grow them big!! :O)

6/27/2013 9:23:24 AM


Allentown, PA


I use either straw or grass clippings.

The grass clippings I use are pretty much free of weeds.

Continue your use of Daconil. The soap most likely has lost it's effectiveness so replacing is a good idea.

6/27/2013 9:27:12 AM

croley bend


The rain finially stopped and time to get out and remove those leaves and once the suns goes down some, I will be giving them a good spray of daconil. Thanks again.

6/27/2013 3:29:43 PM


Allentown, PA

Good to hear!! Just keep your eye on them. :O)

Glad I could have helped you.

6/27/2013 6:54:58 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

yes I'm mulching mine this year for the first time with straw

6/27/2013 8:38:05 PM

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