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Subject:  pollinate

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pumpkin bell


Do you guys know what it means when your tomatoes don't pollinate not just the megerbloom but all them?

6/16/2013 2:12:24 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

The weather could be too hot or too cold or too wet. These are the most common causes of failure to fertilize. Pollination and fertilization are two different things. I am assuming you are concerned about failure to fertilize the ovules. In other words, you are not getting any baby tomatoes.

6/16/2013 2:59:39 PM

pumpkin bell


How hot is to hot?

6/16/2013 5:15:01 PM


Hamilton Nj

thought most tomatos wont polinate over 85 degrese

6/16/2013 8:02:30 PM

Darren C (Team Big-N-Orange)

Omaha, Ne.

I had some that got frost damage that sill haven't grown any. but they are getting better.

6/16/2013 8:14:04 PM


Hamilton Nj

my store bought pineapple plants had huge blooms when i bought them but now there 3 foot tall and dont have a flower,lol

6/17/2013 12:06:57 AM

pumpkin bell


pizz, that bad for me as every day has been in the 90s.

6/17/2013 12:09:45 AM


Allentown, PA

Optimum fruit set occurs within a very narrow night temperature range of between 60 F and 70 F.

Pollen is shed in the highest volume between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on dry, sunny days.

Tomatoes grow best if daytime temperatures range between 70 F and 85 F.

I trust this clears up quite a few questions.

6/17/2013 7:44:14 AM

Rick j.

stoughton WI

try shading them and see if that helps any

6/17/2013 8:33:56 PM


East Carbon, Utah

Where I live, most days will likely be in the 95-105° range for the next 6 weeks or so. I've learned from trial and lots of error to not even worry too much about trying to set fruit on my giant tomato plants until August.

Night time temps are just as critical, as mentioned. If I recall correctly, 74° is the cut off temperature for most tomato varieties. Expect 100% blossom failure if temperatures stay above 74 at night.

I've dreamed of a shade cloth setup with 1/4" tubing woven in and misters on a timer...kind of like a swamp cooler design. Maybe then I could get tomatoes that to set fruit during the summer and ripen in 70 days instead of 40?

6/29/2013 12:05:29 PM

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