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Subject:  Proposed Giant Tomato Contest Rules

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

PROPOSED Giant Tomato Contest Rules
Check these out.
Grower: To be entered, a tomato must have been grown by the individual entering it in the contest.
Number of Entries: Only one tomato may be entered per person for local prize money, ribbons or plaques. Others may be entered as exhibition or for GPC recognition.
Scale Certification: All tomatoes must be weighed on a certified scale.
Judges: Judges must be preapproved by the local club and/or the GPC for early entry tomatoes. A judge must be aware of the GPC Rules regarding tomatoes and must be knowledgeable regarding tomatoes as to “oneness” and health. A designated local club member, a Master Gardener, someone knowledgeable regarding tomatoes or a local farm agent could be selected to act as judge. The decision of the judges is final.
Stem Size: A tomato stem may be no longer than one inch.
“Oneness” of a Tomato: A tomato entered into a contest must be a single tomato having a single stem. There can be no separation between the various parts of the tomato; it must be one tomato. Anything else will be disqualified. Giant tomatoes are usually the result of two or more tomato blossoms fusing at the time of development into one blossom, a megablossom. The resulting tomato is two or more tomatoes grown together into one. All parts of the tomato must be attached to one another and not just held together by a stem. If the grower insists that his or her tomato is a single tomato and the judge believes it is not, the tomato may be dissected by the judge provided the contestant agrees.

10/19/2011 6:48:10 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Early Entries: So called “early entry tomatoes”, tomatoes weighed prior to a local weigh-off, must be inspected by a judge, as defined above, to certify that the tomato is a single tomato with one stem. There must be at least two witnesses as to weight. The tomato must be photographed on the certified scale with both the tomato and the weight showing. Also a picture must be taken of the tomato with a tape measure demonstrating the tomato circumference.
Early Entries and Prizes: (Individual clubs may choose either A or B.) A. Tomatoes may be weighed and entered into the local contest prior to the local weigh-off , a so-called early entry, to compete for overall GPC recognition and local site recognition; i.e. ribbons, prize money and site records. B. A tomato may be entered prior to a local weigh-off, a so-called early entry, to compete for GPC recognition but must be entered and weighed at the time of the local weigh-off to be considered for site recognition, i.e. ribbons, prize money and site records.

10/19/2011 6:49:08 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Early Entry Weighing Sites: A local establishment, such as a garden store or feed store or other facility, may be designated as an official tomato weigh-off site by the local club for “early entry tomatoes” so long as the scales the tomato is weighed on is certified.

Health of Tomato: Tomatoes are quite fragile and tomatoes with small abrasions or soft spots may be entered into the contest. Tomatoes deemed by the judge, with a tendency toward leniency, to be rotten will be disqualified from competition and weighed but labeled as damaged. A tomato that has been frozen or tampered with in order to enhance its weight will be disqualified.
A Record Breaking Tomato: If you believe you have a new world record you should consider making a video of the tomato with it on the scale being weighed and measured with some of your witnesses present in the video. This can then be part of the presentation to the Guinness Book of World Records when you apply.

10/19/2011 6:49:16 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Above are potential rules for contest. Post your comments, criticisms etc and lets try to get these in a form everyone accepts. Marv

10/19/2011 6:50:18 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Email coming your way, Marv :)

10/19/2011 7:09:56 PM



marv, the infamous and trouble making sammy here. I love your proposed contest rules. I think a vote should be taken and let the democratic outcome decide between options A and B. MY OWN OPINION IS: all tomatoes entered as "early" be up for GPC recognition, but not local. I think this will encourage more people to bring entries to local sites. the fruit weighed at a local site should only be judged against fruit grown in similar weather conditions. For me, it is about a chance to win a prize. I have no chance to win against a fruit that was grown from early may to mid august, its impossible. at least you would be comparing "apples" to "apples." i also still feel strongly that for a tomato to be a site record, it should be weighed at that site (the day of the weigh-off). im using a much cooler tone and hope my input is considered. i really think these revisions would make things more equal for all involved. The Masters have a chance to grow for maxium size during the best growing days,and those growing to bring to the local site will be competing against others who grew during the same time frame.

10/20/2011 9:40:33 AM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

i like them but the only problem is here in georgia we have no judge as we have no weighoff site or club so how would we go about it ?

10/20/2011 5:02:34 PM



I like it,
I understood "A" and "B" as local options.I like that too,this year we stated site winner had to be presented at the weigh-in Oct 1st.
great clarification on the rules.

10/20/2011 8:57:09 PM

Chris L


Marv, Overall the rules are sound but the idea of an individual being allowed to grow and enter a tomato early for prizes and reconition at a local weigh-off is not acceptable. I can't imagine a weigh-off site allowing it because most of the entries will be made early and there would be nothing to show on weigh-off day. I go through a lot of trouble to grow tomatoes for weigh-offs in October and would be really upset if growers were allowed enter tomatoes in August or September at the same weigh-off.

10/20/2011 8:57:30 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

The reason we have a tomato weighoff is for people to bring IN an entry the day of the weighoff. (and why we often end up with a lot of little ones-all the big ones are either still growing or went already.)

I'm all for Marv's rules for how early/lates should be handled (or for those that have no weighoff or local club/access to a judged and certified weigh). And that we need some unified rules so all early/lates are handled the same as weighoff entries; so the field is still level... for GTG and GPC prize levels (national/international)

Each weighoff still has to decide how they're going to handle 'day of' and 'early/late' entries. Tomatoes don't keep like a pumpkin will, but. IMO the tomato should be physically present at the weighoff to count for that site's prizes unless it's a virtual weighoff.

Way to go Marv. :)

10/20/2011 9:57:38 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I am glad that so many have taken the time to comment on these proposed rules. I will wait for more comments and then forward them to the powers that be. If they are acceptable to the GPC, then I think each club will have to decide about "A or B." The more I think about it, option B makes more sense than does option A. We will see how it goes. Marv

10/20/2011 11:22:42 PM


valparaiso, in

The only part I have an issue with is the part of having a Judge at the weigh-in. I just took my tomato to the local Weights & Measurements office, and had the two guys there as witnesses. I figure since they are government officials they are above reproach. With that said, if the GPC and IPGA said I have to go somewhere there is a Judge I will have to do that. I guess I could arrange for a Master Gardener to be there. We have a few of them around here.

10/21/2011 1:21:21 AM


Long Island,New York

""I figure since they are government officials they are above reproach. ""........lol.

10/21/2011 5:47:49 AM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

On the question of judges. Who would qualify for this? I considered early weighing and contacted Frank Catapano to act as a witness. This could Be problematic for lots of out of the way growers. I had consulted with John Vincent as well but opted instead to go to a GPC site as it was easier.

Prizes are not really a concern for me. If I had a biggen it would be more important to me that was officially ruled sound and met the criteria.

10/21/2011 6:52:36 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

The reason for a judge is to have someone knowledgeable confirm that you are actually weighing a single tomato. I came in second in a contest where the winning tomato was actually two tomatoes. That is why the definition of a tomato was included in these rules. This happened to me in a contest with an experienced judge who later agreed the winner was two tomatoe when it broke in half but after the contest was over. The people who confirm the weight don't necessarily have to be present at the same time as the judge is but it would probably be better as there might be someone out there who would show a different tomato to the judge. We have a farm show here where people have been caught buying the produce they enter at a local grocery store. The majority of the growers are not like that but it only takes one. Am I too cynical? Marv

10/21/2011 8:22:43 AM



L option B I think its good

I think like Marv .

10/21/2011 8:31:27 AM



Hey LI I resemble that remark....I've been a government Official for 28 years and am definately above reproach...lol

but, seriously It seems like there is a general consensus that Marv's ideas are agreeable .

One additional thought playing devils advocate....maybe Early in addition to being "official" for overall standings, might qualify as a regional , or some form of geographic recognition for early or late entries ...Example "Rebel wins South of the Mason Dixon Line"...lol
more practicaly, possibly use the same regions that the GPC uses.Northeast , greatlakes....etc

10/21/2011 7:52:40 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

If that's me, Steve, I'm 15 miles NORTH of that line... else I'd be in Texas. :)

I'm processing a vatload of tomatoes right now and trying to take pictures to help train a judge on what's a good tomato, what's a not good one, and I have some fused, 2stemmers and some megas that the stem actually split, and stuff like that.

Part of judges would be having a reference/training book we agreed on... so say Lee has a dandy 9# on July 6th and needs it weighed. Print the book or link to the link at his handy dandy place with certified scale, he rounded up a master gardener and a gov't official to be his witnesses, and they can give it a proper onceover with the rules agreed on, then take the pictures and scale it, and voila. He just weighed the new record, properly.

Unless the GTG get up to setting up regional and national prizes other than our up and coming trophy and blazer...
if we get that far I agree on using GPC boundaries at the moment.

10/21/2011 11:05:58 PM



pictures of examples are a great idea......
I like the idea of a good reference book for to help in consistant judging

10/23/2011 8:37:23 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I agree with Chris L & I think any record setting fruit Should be weighed at more then 1 place Double certified.For sure if World record!If weighed early.(Not GPC site)

10/23/2011 9:03:14 PM



the rules look good marv, just remember everyone, you will not have to go through a lot of trouble growing your tomatoes for the fall weigh offs if you allow early tomatoes to be entered, for the people who try to time them right, you could start early with the better growing season , and improve your weights, seems to me there should be 2 seperate entries, 1 for early and 1 for showing up at the weigh off, have 2 prizes, that way everyone is happy, ;-)

10/24/2011 6:17:11 PM


East Carbon, Utah

I also agree with option B. For example, in 2010 I wanted to enter a tomato in the Utah State Fair. I had a decent sized one (2.2 lb. Florida Pink) which I stored in the fridge for two weeks. It was mush when entry day came. I entered another smaller one, which ended up being about my 20th largest of the season. It did not win.

If I had been allowed to enter the 2.2 lb. tomato early, it might have won, but likely would have ticked off some other contestants. Most people who attend local weigh-off events want to see the actual specimen, not pictures.

(An aside - they don't even bother to weigh the vegetables entered in the "largest" categories at this fair - they just guess at which entry is heaviest!)

As mentioned, tomatoes are highly perishable, which helps explain why monster tomatoes are not often seen at the local level. It's just too difficult to get the timing down.

By all means we need a robust process for entering our most impressive tomatoes at the regional/national/
international level and GPC's "Early Entry" method is the model to follow and continue, with improvements as discussed here.

If Option B is officially accepted, then perhaps the term "Early Entry" should be replaced by "Remote Entry" or something similar. "Early" or "Late" would not be relevant terms. There would need to be an absolute cutoff date each year, however - one for the northern hemisphere and another for the southern.

10/27/2011 3:17:48 AM


East Carbon, Utah

As to "Oneness" of a specimen -

This could be clarified a little more. The statement, "There can be no separation between the various parts of the tomato" could be interpreted in more than one way. Any significant lobing of a tomato could be considered some "separation".

I agree that all lobes/fused portions of the fruit must share a common stem. Perhaps a statement like, "all sections of a fused/lobed tomato must share a single stem and must have an epidermal layer and flesh that are continuous with all other sections of the fruit".

Two examples.

1. Last year I had a Burpee Supersteak tomato which resulted from 5 fused blossoms. They shared a single, common stem and were joined side to side in a ring-like pattern, with each lobe sharing flesh with its two neighbors - with one exception. The first and fifth lobe were separate from each other but fused with the second and fourth lobes, respectivly. I think this should still count as a single tomato.

2. Last year my sister brought me a 2.788 lb. tomato which she grew off a seedling she obtained from me. That was bigger than anything I have grown and had the potential to be a state record. However, there was a satellite "lobe" that shared a common stem, but looked like it might not be fully fused. When I teased it apart, sure enough, the smaller section did not share any flesh with the larger. That makes TWO tomatoes.

Pics of this one can be seen (for a few months anyway) at:


10/27/2011 3:59:33 AM


East Carbon, Utah

Continuing along the line of “Oneness”…

I suggest rewording this statement: "If the grower insists that his or her tomato is a single tomato and the judge believes it is not, the tomato may be dissected by the judge provided the contestant agrees."

To, "If the judge rules that an entry consists of more than one tomato and thus disqualified, the grower can appeal this decision. The appeal process will require that a second judge carefully dissect the tomato to determine whether or not flesh is indeed continuous among all parts of the tomato. The opinion of this second judge shall be final."

As it stands, the statement seems to give more authority to the contestant than to the judge.

Excellent work all – I think we can have this process in great shape for next year!

10/27/2011 4:00:48 AM


After all the comments I am just going to remove option A from the suggested rules to the GPC. Not a single person wanted Option A and so B will be the recommendation to the GPC. I am giving thought now about how to modify the "oneness" issue and about how to put together some pictures that make the point to be used as an educational item for proposed judges. We are moving in the right direction I believe. We have time as the weighoffs are not taking place next week. lol. Marv

11/4/2011 5:08:44 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Guys. how did my name get changed to thebigtomato from Lubadub? Marv

11/7/2011 7:53:13 PM


Hamilton Nj

lol, marv i thought u were going low key with a new name,lol,maybe a hacker,maybe it should be darth mater and your tomatos are as big as the deathstar!!!,lol, sorry i could not resist, wish u all the best!!! pizza

11/7/2011 8:28:43 PM

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