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Subject:  Few Matter Questions

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well as i get ready to start my matters for 2011 I have a few questions as this is my first year growing, I will be growing 6 plants in total
1. How far apart should I space them?
2. once you see a blossom do you shake the blossom itself or how do you pollinate one?
3. Is it better to pick them when green or red what weights more?
4. do they prefer the soil to be kept damp or is it better to let them dry a bit bewteen waterings

finally If i do by chance get a monster of one growing and it ripens early whats the best way and how long can they be kept before they are garbage?

Thanks there will probably be plenty more as the season goes on thanks again


5/4/2011 1:06:51 AM



Dave most of those ? are here if you dig in to the different posts and if you look at my diary last yr theres some info i tried to add theirs a lot more to learn than your ? so ill try and help here but also dig in to all the old post and youll learn alot, ? 1) at least three feet apart,?2) find you an old electric toothbrush and hold it on the stem and vibrate it a hillbilly bee LOL also if its a mega bloom get pollen from another bloom and put on the boom,read up on this.?3)pick when you start seeing them turn pink/red,?4) i keep my watering the same if you dry them out them water heavy youll blow them up .?5) dont mess around get it weighed when you pick it but if you must store it put it in the crisber of your fridge it will keep a few weeks. TREETOP

5/7/2011 1:24:46 PM

Total Posts: 2 Current Server Time: 10/2/2024 2:30:29 AM
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