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Subject:  big zacs about done !!!!! gtg

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Hamilton Nj

i weighed my last nice big zac tomato today, 1 pound 6.8 oz!! anyone in the gtg got any big tomatos there hideing lol (marv) i see the european guys have some really nice maters !!!! as for the gtg shazzy is still leading after treetop withdrew his tomato entry and that leaves bill k. in second !!!! was going to try and make a book for us but not getting enough pics and input!!! thank you to the people who sent in photos , and atleast you get bragging rights for the winner lol when i get seeds at the end of the year ill see what i got and pass them out to everyone !!! pizza gone fishing lol !!!

9/6/2010 6:32:42 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

We are yet to weigh in here...

Weighoff in 10 days and I'm going a bit around a bend getting ready for it.

Go Pete Go, the season ain't done yet, congrats on that 1 pluser.

We even have a small red pail labelled 'bragging rights' for tomato weighoff winner. Heh.

9/6/2010 8:03:28 PM

Billy K

Mastic Beach, New York

I still have some left

9/7/2010 5:47:17 PM


Hamilton Nj

i got tomatos but there small lol still have 5.58 timms going time will tell i guess worst case , ill be eating nice baseball size tomatos in sept. oct. lol pizza

9/7/2010 8:22:58 PM


Hamilton Nj

well i found 3 tomatos yesterday,one was a nice single, the other was a 3 segmented one ,and one has 4 segments on it they were all in the same group had to cull 2 of them glad i decided to pull some weeds its about 1 foot off the ground and abot a pound right now hope it grows maybe i still have a chance dont want anyone to think i was sandbagging lol pizza

9/9/2010 4:10:28 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Need to dump some pics... we had an early weigh today, pretty lil feller, 20.1 oz ... however it got a few terminal fingernail wounds as she tried to get it out of where it was wedged. So went DMG.

1.26 J. Smith 10 DMG ..will get the pic up shortly. She has another in a sling, eeking it along to try to make it to the scale, that one is bigger. She is checking whether it is the 2.74 or 2.77 Lovelace or 3.67 Mantyniemi that dumped that rather pretty one.

I am mommysitting another goodly sized one that is ripening, this weekend; and I have heard of one more that is probably lurking a lunker.

In the PANHANDLE, mater lunker=over one pound

9/9/2010 9:57:58 PM


Long Island,New York

I don't agree with the dmg designation at all...especially after some of the rotted ones we see pics of.

9/10/2010 5:59:43 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

It was judged according to how we judge for our tomato weighoff. If it's seeping any fluid from a skin break it DQ's and becomes a DMG.

It can have the corner on fugly as long as the damage is skinned over (aka 'healed'). If we see a seed, it's also DQ'ed. [I had one do this this year in the bottom, megabloom wonder]

If it's that past ripe, it'll break skin with a touch and that is a DQ.

That particular one had three fingernail wounds that were fresh and leaking. It went home after it's logging session and was to be a major component of supper she was about to make.

The smile she had was priceless.

9/10/2010 10:37:25 AM


Hamilton Nj

nice tomatos deb,but im with lipumpkin no way that should be disqualafied,atleast not in my neiborhood,what happens if u drop your mater when u are trying to put it on the scale is it dquead if it has a puncture???? oh my id be pissed!!! lol glad to see u had some weigh inns !!! pizza

9/10/2010 2:10:43 PM


Long Island,New York

I would dq it if you dropped it before the scale...getting to the scale is part of the feat. If its rotting, watersoaked, has fungal spots and white fuzz it should be DQ'd. If its damaged to the point where it wont keep for a few days I'd say its unsound. A fingernail is fine in my humble opinion which admittedly means nothing to most...less to others like Bob. But, its an opinion. Write a rule and make it stick...adopt, adapt, and modify until its right..............

9/10/2010 4:01:23 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Yep, we stick to no fresh wet flesh. When you step up to our weighoff (this year will be third year) the entry is 'prejudged' in that it is examined for a reason to disqualify, such as wet or seeping. IF it passes that, the person is handed an entry form and the entry is handed to the scale-judge by the pre-judge... and it is processed in.
We use 3 judges so that it can be voted on if needed.

Most of the time a wet DQ is because of a just-chewed bug hole or fresh crack. We will accept a minor bruise but not something like blossom end rot. (aka that's a rotting fruit)

The first rule is 'It does not have to be ripe' ...
'It does not have have to be perfect' (fair wants perfect)
'It must be in "edible" condition, no fresh wet flesh' (edible means you'd pick it, if it's green you'd let it ripen, and it does have some part you'd cut off and put in your sandwich, salsa, or preserves) ...

Mz J.Smith has a larger one in a sling, she's going to be a contender on Thursday. :)

9/10/2010 7:24:33 PM


Hamilton Nj

found another in the weeds yesterday lol 1.2 big zac pizza

9/14/2010 2:55:12 PM

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