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Subject:  de-seeding a tomato tutorial.. please add info

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Joliet, IL

here is a nice tutorial for those looking to save seeds to give back to treetop and pizza for the gtg affter you weigh them and take pics. it seems logical. any other advice will be greatly appreciated to make sure i do this right.


7/31/2010 1:16:32 PM


Hamilton Nj

shazzy i could not get link to go but i used the oxyclean method duane showed me 1/2 teaspoon oxyclean 1-1/2 cups water put seeds in stir and let sit a half hour 45 minutes rinse a couple times to get red debres out till its clear drain and put on ceramic plate to dry overnight works great!!!! doing some as i type this lol pizza

7/31/2010 1:38:32 PM



You can get most of the seeds out of tomato by first softening the tomato by applying presure with your thumb or fingers all around the tomato. Then cut an X "a couple of inches" accross the blossom end of the fruit. Put the cut end over a container and gently squeeze. Most of the seeds will come out of the tomato and can be cleaned of the gel and any debris. I'm never satified until I get every last one so I'll go through teh tomato real good afterwards anyways.

7/31/2010 3:15:43 PM

pumpkin cholo

Bloomington, IN

Thats the same site I referenced to when I first started saving tomato seeds a couple of years ago. I've used that method ever since. It works.

7/31/2010 4:31:12 PM

Billium frm Massillon


I did Duane's method also with the Oxyclean last year. I have done the old method before with the whole fermentation process and the Oxyclean process rules.

7/31/2010 5:23:31 PM


Duane's method sounds great. One question I have is: Does it get rid of the gel sac? Or is that necessary? All of the fermentation instructions make it sound important to get rid of it. I like anything that takes less time and doesn't smell as much.

8/4/2010 9:52:23 AM


Hamilton Nj

it gets rid of everything!!!! i stir it around a couple times and grab any big pieces out with my fingers,thats the whole reason i tried this method that gel sack dryed on my seeds and was a pain in the but !!!! i put mine on a ceramic plate to dry overnight and scrape them off with a credit card the next day and there ready to go hope this helps pizza

8/4/2010 10:41:43 AM


Hamilton Nj

seatac, i can have my seeds ready to dry in under 1 -1/2 hours pizza

8/4/2010 10:44:29 AM



I've used Oxyclean on all of my tomatoes. I was told about this method by a friend Terry at www.tomatoaddict.com.
I did have a lot of reports and experienced problems myself with germination on my 4.83 seeds, but I don't believe that had anything to do with the use of Oxyclean since all the others germinated fine.
I've even used hot tap water with the oxyclean which really gets the Oxyclean working.

Once the seeds have been harvested they are placed in a bowl along with the gel and any light debris. Large pieces should be removed but the oxyclean will dissolve most any tomato flesh left behind. It won't dissolve the skin or heavy pulp. I put a teaspoon + or - over the seeds and add warm to hot water the stir a little. I let the seeds sit in the oxywater for a half hour or so then once they are removed I pour them onto or in a 1 gallon paint strainer bag. The seeds are then carefully sprayed, "blasted" with water until clean of debris. Having a kitchen sprayer attachment comes in real handy for this. When spraying you will noticed that the oxyclean has softened the unwanted material enough that the water will push it through the screen leaving the seeds behind.

8/4/2010 10:04:44 PM


Thanks everybody, great help.

8/6/2010 1:06:46 AM

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