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Hunter433@aol.com NEW YORK

i want to grow nice thick plants any help would be apreciated imm starting my plants out side in a green house with a heater in in

3/24/2010 7:06:32 PM



Unless your going to have many plants started I would suggest germinating them in an area which is easier to heat rather than heating the entire greenhouse. Once your plants are a few inches tall then move them into the greenhouse. Two things which cause stretching in tomato plants are too much heat and low light. Once germinated it is important to keep your lighting as close to the top of the plant as possible, with flourescent fixtures it is possible for the plants to nearly touch the plants with no ill effect.

It also helps to grow them using DIF with day time temperatures in the 55 to 60 degree range with the night temps being in the 65 to 70 degree range.

3/25/2010 5:57:51 AM



Something else which helps. Keep a fan blowing a slight breeze across the tops of the plants, once they are a few inches tall gently brush your hand across the tops of the plants a few times per day. This will encourage stronger stem growth and help make your plants more stocky.

And don't bother with the classical music, they prefer harder rock like Metalica and it doesn't hurt to toss in some Zeppelin or even some EMINEM every now an then.

3/25/2010 6:45:07 AM


Hunter433@aol.com NEW YORK

imm starting about 50 to 60 plants really have no room inside thats why i bought the green house was kind of hopeing for sunlight do i have to get a growing light

3/25/2010 7:13:27 AM

Tommy G


Germinate somewhere at 72 to 75 degree range like Duane sugests. We raise 10,000 to 15,00 plants a year here at the greenhouse to sell. The best way to keep them stocky is lower day temp. 50 is best with lots of light. In the greenhouse you should have the light. Not to much water only enough to keep from wilting and no fertilizer, spray with fish and seaweed every 10 to 14 days. We have plants right now that are 12" tall and blomming with as big around as your finger. Good luck in 2010.

3/25/2010 7:23:46 AM


Hunter433@aol.com NEW YORK

i have miracle grow organic potting soil any good for tomatoes

3/25/2010 5:44:25 PM


Hunter433@aol.com NEW YORK

can i get away with 1 48 light in in the middle of the green house the green house is 6 by 6

3/25/2010 7:42:51 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

One double 48" light fixture will give you about one foot wide by four feet long. You need to have them at 2" from the plants.

3/25/2010 10:45:11 PM


New Hampshire, USA

miracle gro potting soil is ok, just remember to keep repotting the plants and burying them deeper so they can develop more roots

3/28/2010 7:40:42 PM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 10/2/2024 10:27:40 AM
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