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Subject:  Northeast Tomatoes Lost

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Late blite is ripping out there. Our maters are already pathetic but this week might be the end.


7/29/2009 8:37:28 AM



Your not kidding. EVERYONE that I know who has a garden with tomatoes has some kind of disease or other. I don't know if it's blight, bacteria speck or blossom end rot or black rot. In most cases including my own plants, the leaves turn yellow with spots on them, begin dying from the bottom up, then any fruit that ripens starts deteriorating usually from the bottom , turns black and falls off. It's very widespread here. Any cuttings or old plants are to be bagged and taken to the dump. I'm wondering if there is something I should put in my soil so it doesn't overwinter. Peppers are wiped out too. Next year I'm rotating crops for sure.

8/21/2009 2:57:03 PM


East Coast Southern Newjersey

I know thats this thread is old so lets try and relight it!
I started out like i do every year baby sitting all my tenders until the nights warm up here in South Jesrsey.All of my plants as well as a few experimentals from Rutgers were off to a really great start.It looked like an awesome growing season up until JULY!!! I was subscribing to the Cucubrit Downey Mildew Forcasting site and followed it regulary its a great site to learn from.The site forcasted the fungis and it hit right on target! When all rains came then it would cool down heat up cool down heat up.It was the worst season for Tomatoes and peppers i ever had.The AG`s and the fancy pumpkins were hit the worst as expected.Fungis and a blight hit hard and fast.I used a ton of Daconil but it was over before it started.I grew out half of my crops that i started on the tomatoes and the peppers were a total loss.I am praying that 2010 is a better year for us all!

10/31/2009 8:45:06 PM

Total Posts: 3 Current Server Time: 10/2/2024 4:39:57 PM
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