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Subject:  growing giant tomatos "need help triming ste

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ShagHarbour n,s canada

ok i have 3 plants at 6 foot one had one single stem hes doing alright,, the second had just 2 stems hes got a real nice one on him,,, but the biggest plant the whole plant is atleast 6 foot or higher,, it had vary slow growing tomatos on it there just not growing like the others" should i chop one stem to make it a 2 stem plant..? welll it grow more speedyer

6/30/2008 11:28:56 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

What variety are you growing? How long has it been since you started your tomatoes and how long since you planted out? What are your temperatures like, sun, etc; and what sort of soil do you have? How often and how much do you water.

If you are truely going for large you should have buried some stem at least when you planted to get more roots; been pinching blooms and looking for the 'megabloom' (a multilobed flower) and bagging and fertilizing just like you would for pumpkins...

Do you have a copy of 'How to Grow Giant Tomatoes' By Marvin H. Meisner? This tells you how to grow a healthy plant then groom it for greatness.

6/30/2008 12:43:37 PM


ShagHarbour n,s canada

i started them a long time ago haha,, god it had to have been the first of march,, i have them growing in a hot house that stays ruffly 80-90 all day maybe hotter then dips to about 70 at night,, there in a rased bed with a feeder tube going right past the roots from a 10g bucket for wattering the root system,,for soil i have everything " ocean compost" thats lobster shells clam shells rock weed stuff,,and a few bags of potting soil, some cow poop, and black earth.. i watter the two plants with the root system waterer about 2 times a week through the bucket system. the another 4 litters for the other plant a week.. i riped off the first 6 sets of leaves my plants didnt get enuf light indoor so they streched that should have done the roots good right,,my fist actual bloom was a megabloom i didnt have enuf info a month ago i should have picked the big heavy dryed flower off but i didnt and it rotted the tommato. i am pinching off shooters all the time, i and folar spraying the plants with sea weed extract and blending 5-6 calcuim tabletes up with water hopeing that might help the fruit out some,,ya by next season i got to get that book plus iam hunting world wide for 5-6 pounder seeds,,, now about this stem triming...? what should the plant look like on a god nicely trimed plant?3 stems..? 2 stems? 1 main stem? i seem to be having the best luck with the one main stem plant so far the one with 3 big long stems arint realy fruiting much to brag about whats the matter you think? thanks for reading all this jibberish haha chow friends,,,

6/30/2008 9:27:52 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

Sounds like at this point you're committed with what you have, chopping the multistem isn't going to do as much as you lose that much plant.

Look for that megabloom. That's your ticket to a big one now.

Your plants should be old enough and large enough in general to put out a good big one now. As for who has seed off a proven big one; dunno. Try to keep your tomatoes at about 85 during the day, if you're going over 100 it is just stressing them. Nights low 60's to low 70's is good.

Good air circulation around the plant helps with general plant health too. Might be overdosing with the calcium.

7/2/2008 4:13:42 PM

Total Posts: 4 Current Server Time: 10/2/2024 6:36:24 PM
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